Whats going on!!!

Been just a little slow at making caps lately. Email me at freakydaughter@yahoo.com to request or just chat.
Sincerely ,
The Freaky Duchess " Tippy" Woodard

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Hi everyone its The Freaky Daughter and I just wanted to say welcome and that I have finally gotten of my tuckus to create a blog that follows closer to the type of swaps I like to see. Not that I don't like what other cappers are doing, I just want to see a few more with my flavor added to it. On this site you will see mostly bodyswaps of the ftf variety but there will be a few possessions and once in a while mtf. Mostly I like mother/ daughter and interracial ftf swaps. I might try to write a few stories but don't hold your breath. I think I come up with great ideas but am a horrible writer. I will also attempt to do request because I would be a hypocrite if I didn't, (a lot of the other cappers are beginning to know me) but mostly it will depend on how I feel day to day. I am still new to blogging and will eventually get a side bar with links to the blogs I follow so be patient. Thanks again and welcome to my blog ;).

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