Whats going on!!!

Been just a little slow at making caps lately. Email me at freakydaughter@yahoo.com to request or just chat.
Sincerely ,
The Freaky Duchess " Tippy" Woodard

Saturday, May 5, 2018

My apoligies...

Hi everyone I wanted to say sorry for disappearing on you, I have been doing a little self improvement on RL. I especially want to say how sorry I am to anyone who has made requests that I never got around to filling, it just seems to have slipped my mind and tbh I really don't remember what promises I have made to who... as for right now I am not taking any new ones. I hope to maybe make some new content off and on soon, but no promises. Also I was hoping to re-connect with a former email friend and former henchwoman/co-conspirator whom I seem to have lost contact with. Morgan Winship if you are still around contact me please.