Whats going on!!!

Been just a little slow at making caps lately. Email me at freakydaughter@yahoo.com to request or just chat.
Sincerely ,
The Freaky Duchess " Tippy" Woodard

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

NHS- Jennifer and Christina

   Since my voters could not come up with a clear cut winner on the poll I have decided to give one massive , double star packed edition of Nina Hartley Studios. That is what took so long to post it. Let me know what you think. Be aware that this cap set is explicit. As always rate and comment, also I am still looking for contest entries, so if you haven't made one yet , get them in.!!!!


  1. I love it! Extra long and phenomenal! :)

    1. Thanks Morgan! I am glad you like it. I hope everyone else does too!
